931 595 691


Audit & Consulting

VDA AUDIT 19.2. Component cleanliness requirements are becoming an increasingly important and decisive quality characteristic (VDA 19.1 – ISO 16232). Often it is not enough to meet the technical conditions, but it is also necessary to consider the entire supply chain and the production process itself. In this sense, prevention is key: Technical Cleanliness audits in production and VDA 19.2 supply chain are carried out to verify that all parties involved in the project are prepared to guarantee the specific cleanliness requirements.

Technical Cleaning Consulting

Our team can advise you on the product and process development process and support you throughout the lifecycle.

  • Our consulting services include:
  • Potential audit according to VDA 19.2
  • Supply Chain Analysis
  • Product & Process Design Concept Analysis
  • Assistance in the preparation of the Cleaning AMFE and its integration into the SGC
  • Sensitization line tours for production teams
  • Problem-solving and process optimization methodologies

Product Design

Process Design

Manufacture of the components

Component assembly

Life Series

  • Get it right in the development phase (project)
  • Manufacture to specification (production)
  • Evidence compliance (customer)
  • Teamwork (Supply Chain)
  • Feedback and continuous improvement are key

How can we help your organization?

  • With an independent and objective assessment
  • With support, knowledge and savings in time and costs

Ask us

Call us at +34 931 595 691

Alternatively, fill out the following form, and we will contact you as soon as possible

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