For the beginning of any of the contracted services it is necessary a formal and express acceptance of BIDEA LAB’s offer either by means of a purchase order or payment in advance.

The client shall be responsible for the payment to BIDEALAB of the purchase price indicated in the order within the due dates indicated by BIDEALAB in its service invoice.

BIDEA LAB’s terms and conditions of sale prevail over any other terms and conditions of purchase. As an independent third party, BIDEA LAB does not submit to commercial pressures of any kind in defense of its commitment to impartiality.

The content of BIDEA LAB’s commercial offer and its general terms and conditions of sale for the performance of the service shall be deemed fully accepted by the customer at the time BIDEA LAB starts performing the work ordered. The start of work represents the client’s explicit acceptance of and agreement with BIDEA LAB’s terms and conditions of sale.