931 595 691


Cleanliness on-site inspections of large components

VDA 19.1 – ISO 16232
Sometimes the components to be inspected are large. They cannot be moved, clamped or positioned appropriately, and the extractive part of the analysis becomes a highly complex process. For example, battery boxes, large pipes, crankcases, crankshafts were, in addition, each area must be tested in a specific way.

BIDEA LAB has specific extraction systems for these large products and, if necessary, we can come to your facilities to carry out the extractive part of the test when needed, guaranteeing the blank value of the test equipment.

Once the sample has been extracted, we will analyze the particle load in the laboratory, either in a standard way or by means of combined analytical techniques depending on your requirements.

Application and Purpose:

  • No size limitation.
  • On site extraction.
  • Inspections commonly requested for components that are difficult to move / hold in place or whose destruction to obtain test probes would entail a significant cost.

Contact us

Call us at (+34) 931 595 691

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